Mundane Mother's Day!
So as you know if you a.) watch TV, b.) read the newspaper, c.) use social media, or d.) have - or are - a mom, yesterday was Mother's Day.
After my fancy champagne brunch and manicure, pedicure, and massage at the spa, I took a long, uninterrupted nap - then woke to a huge bouquet of flowers, a gorgeous and shiny new mother's ring, and sweet handmade cards from my children. Then we all went out to a nice dinner, where the boys were exceptionally well behaved and just couldn't stop talking about what a great mommy I am. When we got home, Curtis bathed the kids and put them to sleep while I took a bubble bath, slipped into bed, and got lost in a good novel.
Oh wait - that was my fantasy Mother's Day. Bahahaha! I'm lucky if I get to poop with the door closed on Mother's Day, let alone have that many luxuries crammed into one 24-hour period.
It might not have been full of celebration and pampering (side note: does anybody else hate that word? Pampering? It just reminds me of diapers), but my Mother's Day was actually pretty decent - if a little bit mundane. First of all, Colin has just learned to use the toaster, so he proudly made me breakfast in bed:
When I say "learned to use the toaster," I mean that he learned to put the waffle in and push the little handle down to get it toasting. I must have failed, however, to show him the dial that controls how brown you want your toast ... which is why my waffle was barely above frozen. But whatever. He used a mini cookie cutter to cut it into the shape of a heart (that's the stack at the top of plate) and wrote "MOM" in syrup.*
*Getting it all over the counter in the process and then trying to clean it up which resulted in a sticky mess with little bits of paper towel stuck throughout the syrupy smudge. Which I had to clean up later.
Curtis cleaned out our garage, which was so full of crap that it required an industrial-sized dumpster - so obviously, this is a task that's been on my "honey-do" list for quite some time. Meanwhile, I stayed inside and cooked a fat-girl lunch (fried morel mushrooms, collard greens and blackeyed peas, cornbread, and sweet tea - my country roots were showing, y'all) and put all the kids' winter clothes in storage for the season. Plus mediated a screaming, knock-down drag-out squabble over ... wait for it ... a plastic fork. And I did get to run to the store for milk and eggs without the kids.
Aw yeah.
While "my special day" may not have been over-the-top or extraordinary, it was productive, and that feels good. As always, I sent out an extra-special heartfelt prayer for those who are suffering from infertility and those who have lost their babies and those who have lost their moms. And Curtis came up to me while I was cooking and gave me a big hug and told me how much he appreciates everything I do for him and the kids.
That might've been prompted by the gargantuan midday meal I was preparing - I know the way to my man's heart - but hey. I'll take compliments (and cold waffles) where I can.
I hope you had a great Mother's Day!
(For more mediocre posts from Mother's Days past, click here and here.)
After my fancy champagne brunch and manicure, pedicure, and massage at the spa, I took a long, uninterrupted nap - then woke to a huge bouquet of flowers, a gorgeous and shiny new mother's ring, and sweet handmade cards from my children. Then we all went out to a nice dinner, where the boys were exceptionally well behaved and just couldn't stop talking about what a great mommy I am. When we got home, Curtis bathed the kids and put them to sleep while I took a bubble bath, slipped into bed, and got lost in a good novel.
Oh wait - that was my fantasy Mother's Day. Bahahaha! I'm lucky if I get to poop with the door closed on Mother's Day, let alone have that many luxuries crammed into one 24-hour period.
It might not have been full of celebration and pampering (side note: does anybody else hate that word? Pampering? It just reminds me of diapers), but my Mother's Day was actually pretty decent - if a little bit mundane. First of all, Colin has just learned to use the toaster, so he proudly made me breakfast in bed:
When I say "learned to use the toaster," I mean that he learned to put the waffle in and push the little handle down to get it toasting. I must have failed, however, to show him the dial that controls how brown you want your toast ... which is why my waffle was barely above frozen. But whatever. He used a mini cookie cutter to cut it into the shape of a heart (that's the stack at the top of plate) and wrote "MOM" in syrup.*
*Getting it all over the counter in the process and then trying to clean it up which resulted in a sticky mess with little bits of paper towel stuck throughout the syrupy smudge. Which I had to clean up later.
Curtis cleaned out our garage, which was so full of crap that it required an industrial-sized dumpster - so obviously, this is a task that's been on my "honey-do" list for quite some time. Meanwhile, I stayed inside and cooked a fat-girl lunch (fried morel mushrooms, collard greens and blackeyed peas, cornbread, and sweet tea - my country roots were showing, y'all) and put all the kids' winter clothes in storage for the season. Plus mediated a screaming, knock-down drag-out squabble over ... wait for it ... a plastic fork. And I did get to run to the store for milk and eggs without the kids.
Aw yeah.
While "my special day" may not have been over-the-top or extraordinary, it was productive, and that feels good. As always, I sent out an extra-special heartfelt prayer for those who are suffering from infertility and those who have lost their babies and those who have lost their moms. And Curtis came up to me while I was cooking and gave me a big hug and told me how much he appreciates everything I do for him and the kids.
That might've been prompted by the gargantuan midday meal I was preparing - I know the way to my man's heart - but hey. I'll take compliments (and cold waffles) where I can.
I hope you had a great Mother's Day!
(For more mediocre posts from Mother's Days past, click here and here.)

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