Dear Other Drivers ...
Dear Other Drivers On My Morning Route:
I know. You're trying to get your kid to school ... but so am I. And in doing so, we have to drive on a residential street where people (rudely) park on both sides - which means that one of us has to get over and make room for the other. And you know what, Other Drivers? It wouldn't kill you to be that polite and accomodating person once in a while.
Listen. Just because you're rolling in a Hummer the size of mother-effing Alaska doesn't mean you're automatically entitled to the right-of-way. Bigger does not equal more important, folks. You can pull over and wait just as easily as I could. And while we're on the subject: when you do insist on barging your way through a skinny little pathway with cars on either side, at least wait until I can pull over. I don't feel like grating along the side of a parked car just because you've got to power your big ass on through rightthissecond. And no, there's not enough room. It's too close for comfort. I'm in a Jeep Grand Cherokee here, not a flippin' SmartCar.
One more thing, Other Drivers. When I do pull over and let you pass (which I seem to do 90% of the time, you pushy a-holes), give me a wave. A smile. A lift of the finger. Anything to acknowledge that you actually appreciate me sacrificing two seconds of my valuable time so that you can motor on uninterrupted. Would it hurt to show some appreciation, Other Drivers? No, it wouldn't. I'm not asking you to blow me kisses on the way by. Damn.
Please think about all this before I see you again tomorrow morning. Or your big stupid vehicle might just get sideswiped.

Amen! Bullies are not only a childhood thing!
ReplyDeleteI totally agree and it's not just the big vehicles, if someone is driving say a BMW/Acura/Mercedes they automatically think that polite driving does not apply to them!! It's really aggravating.
ReplyDeleteWell said missy...I know what finger you should wave at them!
ReplyDeleteSee, this is another positive thing about homeschooling: no commute and no pushy, rude drivers. Also, history in your pj's. Just sayin.
ReplyDeletesame goes for our new parking deck - got to love 18 year old drivers who think they are fully entitled to the whole drive space - at 50 mph nonetheless!
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking you should be giving the flip of the finger...just a thought... :)
ReplyDeleteyessss! Can we get a thank you wave please????
ReplyDeleteWouldn't that be nice if you could just loose it like in Fried Green Tomatoes and just ram those inconsiderate drivers. Should have put that in my dream blog.
I always find it incredibly ironic that the parents of elementary-aged children - who are learning daily about being considerate and to call everyone "friend" - are the most inconsiderate, rude, selfish people I come across.
ReplyDeleteAMEN - I deserve a wave. And, I get darned irritated when I don't get one.
ReplyDeleteAnd, dear drivers by my house picking up their brats at the high school, the area in front of my driveway is not for you to PARK at. And, if we pull up behind you and tap our horn because we cannot get into our OWN DRIVEWAY, it would be best to move and wave apologetically than to flick us off and wave us around.
ReplyDeleteYeah, that one didn't end well.
HEY I drive a Hummer and I am a very nice accomodating kind of person who lets people go first. I did that in my VW, too, tho. I do agree with the point of this post - YOU ARE RIGHT!!!