Just SITS-ing Around

OMG. It's my SITS day.

My SITS day, y'all.

If you're visiting from SITS, you know how important that is (and welcome, welcome, welcome!). If you don't know, you need to - so stop by here to check out the awesomeness that is The SITStahood.

Even though I've been pleading stalking waiting patiently for months, today kind of crept up on me - so when I found out that my blog was the SITS FEATURED BLOG (if I could type that in some sort of sparkle text I totally would), I was surprised. The way you feel when, like, Yaaaaay there's the UPS man with an awesome package but awww, crap, I'm still in my pajamas and braless at 3 pm. You know? I feel like I should have spruced things up around here a bit first. I'm usually* more on top of things.

*and by usually I mean like 30% of the time

I wish I could say my SITS day caught me in the midst of a string of brilliant posts, but in all actuality, it caught me at the end of a bunch of crap: namely a 3-day deathbed of an illness and the aftereffects of a "helpful" husband who means well, but can't multitask (sorry, Honey). Throw in the series of mini-catastrophes that is raising three little boys and a puppy who chews through the Internet connection cord two days in a row, and, well, the blog took a bit of a backseat. But no more. If the posting lag was was my mental constipation, then you, dear friends and new visitors, are my laxative. Because trust me - I've gathered a lot of blog fodder in the past few days.

So anyway, I'm glad you're here. Take a look around and, hopefully, have a laugh or two. I'll point you in the direction of a couple of my favorites to get you started.

Mommy, What's a Whore?  ← in which my son asks me a veeeery uncomfortable question

Cleavage? Clever! ← why boobs are, like, the coolest things evah

Mustachioed Mama ← just another reason to keep your facial hair to a minimum

And don't forget to check out the "About Me" tab (*points helpfully up top*) so you can get to know me. Because I am totally looking forward to getting to know all of you.

Thanks for stopping in, everyone!


  1. Wow, congrats on your feature. Well deserved.

  2. Today is your big day! So happy for you. I was first to comment on SITS and over here so today is a big day for moi too! Nice:). Now try to keep the partay down, I'm sick which means everyone should be mindful of my delicate state. Besides, I don't like people to have too much fun without me. I'm sorta evil like that!

  3. Congrats on your day! I'm going to read around your blog...

  4. Just finished exploring SITS and it's great! Lots of awesome blogging and good support there. Of course, I KNEW your site was a good one, since you come from a long line of writers! :o)

  5. Well happy SITS day to you!!! I hope everyone is feeling much better and the puppy grows out of the chewing stage soon!

    Enjoy your day! Oh, and don't worry -- your visitors have on our pajamas, too!

  6. Congrats on your SITS Day! Your blog title made me laugh. Can't wait to read more!


  7. Happy SITS day! I'll be definitely checking out your favs - boobs and facial hair resonate with me! Congrats!

  8. Hi! Stopping by from SITS! Congrats on being the Featured Blogger today! I've thoroughly enjoyed taking a look around your blog. I too hate the Frump! :)

  9. Ok i know I can't be your first Sits comment...must have to mod them or something. Anyway Happy Sits!! I love your blog so far and will be back to read more..but for know I have a sick kid and have to go clean some barf up.... you understand.
    Can't wait to read more about getting my frump on...or off. :)I'm a new follower too. Your awesome!

  10. Happy SITS day! Enjoy it and have a great day:-)


  11. Congrats on your SITS day! Very fun!

    I've got to go read how you answered the whore question!

  12. Happy SITS day! Your blog titles are O-some! Off to do some reading!

  13. Happy SITS Day! I am off to go see what that adorable little puppy is all about :-)

  14. okay you've totally hooked me and you have a new follower! yeah, your week's been crappy but you have an awesome attitude so i'll be fighting the frump right along with you from now on :)

    oh and hello from SITS!

  15. Happy SITS day, mama! Can't wait to read your other posts!

  16. Visiting from SITS. You're too funny. I love it! Off to read more.

  17. happy sits day! oh. this is gonna be a fun blog. i just know it. or maybe i don't. but i'm gonna say it anyway.

  18. Congratulations! You deserve it!

  19. Stopping by from SITS! What a cute title for your blog!

  20. Happy SITS day! Sorry it's coming on the heels of some stinky stuff--but at least it's here and you had some good posts on hand!!!

  21. yeay happy sits day so nice to meet you, i am off to read your boob post lol

  22. Happy SITS day. Sounds like you are a pretty entertaining blogger. I'm going to have to check out some of your posts! :-)

  23. happy SITS day! I look forward to browsing around!

  24. Happy SITS Day! Your blog is so amazing and extremely relatable. Especially the part about 3 o'clock, braless, and the UPS man. Our UPS man has definitely seen most of my boobs. Don't worry though, they are pretty nice boobs.
    I'm off to check out more!

  25. Here from SITS! Enjoy your big day!

  26. Stopping by from SITS! Congrats on being featured, I bet it's way awesome! Our puppy used to chew through EVERYTHING, especially my favorite shoes. Thanks goodness they eventually grow out of that phase!

  27. Lol I've never been someones laxative but you sound like you need one! Happy SITs Day!! Off to read your posts =D

  28. Okay you are adorable and funny. Sorry about the puppy thing. And the 3 boy thing. And the sick thing. I have 4 boys and 2 dogs so I win....:) Congrats on your SITS day. Enjoy. I think I'll be back even when SITS has forgotten all about you.

  29. Congrats on your day! Your posts are great. LMBO.

  30. Congrats on your SITS day! :) Such funny posts. Whoo!

  31. Happy Featured Blogger Day! I am excited to read your three favs...the taglines sound very appealing :)

  32. So glad to see you get to celebrate your special day... finally!

  33. Already a follower - now don't I feel cool ;)

    Happy FB day - hope your in-box is freakin' full in the AM!

  34. Happy SITS day! I've enjoyed browsing your blog! :)

  35. Happy SITS Day! I love the post you picked very funny I enjoyed them.

  36. Cool blog design, very retro!

    Happy SITS Feature Day!!

  37. Your blog is awesome! Happy SITS day, I hope you enjoy it!

  38. Congrats on Your SITS DAY!
    Enjoy yor day!
    I just loved your blog!!
    Betty xx

  39. Happy SITS day! Enjoy! You are very funny! And a frump you certainly are not! And you have a beautiful family.
    Happy blogging! xxx

  40. Happy SITS day! I love your blog! It's so pretty.

  41. Loving your blog!! Happy SITS day!!

  42. Hey, happy SITS day! now....you are sooo funny, thanks for the giggles.

  43. I love your blog! Congrats on your sits day! You deserve it. Bask in the glory.

  44. Congrats on your SITS day!!! Oh I love the blog, love the title! Been fighting frumpy for years....still fighting. *sigh* hehe xx

  45. Morning (from the UK!)! Congrats on your SITS day. Looking forward to exploring your blog.

    P.S. Your new puppy is so cute!

  46. That's so awesome Rita, congrats!!! And I think your blog is gawgeous the way it is... its all about the words, not the "fluff", and you've definitely got a way with them.

    Glad you're up and off that deathbed. ;P

  47. It's nice to meet you! (from SITS)

  48. Wow, It's 5:54 and you already have 45 comments! That's a pretty awesome start to the day! Happy SITS day to you! I love your blog, it's really fantastic! Awesome background, awesome Header, and awesome attitude! I love it!

  49. Congrats on your SITS day! I love your blog patterns! It's so cool!

  50. Hi - I just joined SITS and it is YOUR day. Congrats!

    As for fighting the frumpy, honey, I am with you. I swear that if I could, I'd wear my maternity jeans day in and day out, just to be 'comfy'. Gah. At least I still wear lipstick! ;)

  51. Love the name of your blog -- too cute! And the thought of being your laxative . . . well, I've never thought of that being a compliment before, but I'm loving it. :)

    Happy SITS day! Hope you're feeling all better!

  52. Congrats on your SITS day! Your blog looks great--cool title too!

  53. Happy SITS day, I'm enjoying your hilarious posts immensely already!

  54. You know I already heart you! Enjoy the comment love!

  55. woooohoooo! Happy Happy SITS Day!!!~

  56. Happy SITS day looks like you have some great stuff to read!! Congrats on your day!

  57. Hahaha...I like you already! If this is what you come up with in a pinch, I can't wait to check out more of your blog.

  58. Congrats on your SITS Day! I love the way you write, your personality just jumps off the screen. :)

  59. Great blog! I'll be following you from Rome, Italy :)

  60. Congrats on your SITS feature. Enjoy the day in the sun!!

  61. Happy SITS Day!!

    Your blog is so fun and I LOVE your layout! Very nice and very original!!!!

  62. happy SITS Day! I had my SITS day a few weeks back...pure HEAVEN :) I'm Follwing The Frump now too. Enjoy your day!

  63. I am so happy that you get your day in the comment sun. I SO enjoy your blog. Thanks for making me smile.

    Happy SITS day.

  64. Love your blog! I read several posts and you've inspired me to get back to the WW meetings...that or a 60 Day Bikhram Yoga challenge....scary!!

  65. Happy SITS day girl! Wow 30%, I'm jealous!

    Love it here! Just followed along with you.

    Nice to meet you also!

  66. Love your voice - very funny and fresh - not frumpy at all!

  67. I think I've figured out it takes about a year of faithful commenting (stalking) to get featured. I'm not sure, though! My time will come...someday.

    Hope you have a great SITS day! I LOVE your blog design.

  68. Happy SITS day! Off to read your posts....

  69. Good Morning and congratulations on your SITS Day! I'm glad you're feeling better after your illness and my *favorite* part of this post was how you compared us to laxatives LOL. That was freaking hilarious :P

  70. At leastyour dog chewed through the internet connection, my once toddler son cut through mine, with scissors... along with the phone line, the cable line, you get the picture. Aaaaah! Boys! Happy SITS!

  71. Happy SITS day! I just about spit my coffee on my keyboard when I read that I was your laxative. Great blog. You have a new follower! :)

  72. Argh, I am so sorry to hear you've been sick! Hopefully you can't transmit germs over the internet. And my sympathies on the non-multi-tasking husband. I just don't think it's in their genes.

    Off to read how you explained a "whore" to your son!

    Confessions From A Working Mom

  73. Congrats on your SITSday! I can't wait to read more!

  74. Congrats - and you are NOT frumpy, so don't even worry about it... off to read your posts :)

  75. What a great way to cap off a less than wonderful week!

    Enjoy your SITS day!

  76. Happy SITS Day! Enjoying your blog. :-)

  77. hmmm, wondering if this is a little lab puppy. I seem to remember a similar fascination with electronic wiring... Don't worry, they get better.

    Happy SITS day!

  78. WOW...you have such a cool blog! Happy SITS day and I hope you enjoy it to the fullest!

    Have a Gr8 day. Off to read more!

  79. Good morning and Congrats on your SITS DAY! Looking forward to reading your featured posts.

  80. Came from SITS to say congrats on your day.

  81. Congrats on your SITS Day! Don't mind me, I'll just be poking around :]

  82. Happy Sits day. Lovely blog. Enjoy your day.

  83. YAY! Happy SITS day! You might be my new bloggity bff. Or I may be your new bloggity stalker. Either way, AwEsOmE blog! I am definitely bookmarking this one!

  84. Happy SITS Day! I hope you feel better soon!!

  85. Congratulations on being the FB. Have you tried Bitter Apple? It is AWESOME!

  86. Happy SITS day! Gosh, that totally stinks about being sick!! I hope you get to feeling better soon. UGH. Nothing like a helpful hubby that makes it worse. HA. Hang in there!

  87. Congrats on your special SITS day! Your blog is adorable and your writing is very clever! I look forward to reading more, and I am now your newest follower! Stop by sometime!!

  88. Happy SITS day!

    I loved the 'whore' story the best. Although I do use my 'extra pocket' liberally.

  89. Happy SITS Day! Congrats on your feature. Your blog is delightful...I too have 3 boys , 2 teens and 1 soon to 5 year old. It crazy, wonderful and sometimes exhausting :)....but always filled with love

  90. grats on your sits day :D your blog is very nifty.

  91. Happy SITS Day!!!! Thanks for sharing a bit about you and your blog with us!!

  92. I don't need to look around, I have seen it all already, and I love it! Missed you while you were out sick, hope you are back on top, and juggling all you do soon.

  93. Happy SITS day! What a cool blog design you have. I'm off to read your featured posts.

    Oh, and I hope you have some better days ahead!!

  94. So, in other words....your just like every other mom out there, trying to get by day by day with their chickens!

    Great blog! Enjoy your day!!!!!

    Visiting from SITS:)

  95. Happy SITS day! I love the title of your blog. When I go to get a haircut, I always tell my girl, "Keep me current!" Ahh, momma's tryin' to avoid frumpy!!
    Enjoy your day!

  96. Happy SITS day! Great blog, great family.

  97. Happy SITS day! We have a similar problem with the kids in the dog water. My little boy thinks it's a swimming pool! LOL

  98. Congrats. Great site. Fun insight. Totally relatable. Except here, 10 years older. 3 kids relatively close in age (9,8,6..boy, girl, boy). They keep me busy, crazy and happy. And they are truly the inspiration for what I do.

  99. Hope you have a great SITS day! i have really enjoyed reading through your blog and im excited to be a regular reader. Though your ordeal with Andy had me in tears. I have my own "baby"...can't imagine how painful that decision was!

  100. Congrats on your SITS day girlfriend!

  101. happy SITS day to you! what an honor. LOVE your blog! of coure i have to follow you now :)

    and don't even get me stated on constipation. phew!


  102. Happy SITS day!!! Your blog is fabulous.

  103. Happy SITS day! Enjoyed your blog. I'm a fellow mom with kids so close in age (13 months) my sanity is also called into question on a regular basis. But I can't imagine life any less crazy . . .

  104. Happy SITS day and congrats. I can't wait to read more. I am intrigued because my boys ask me the same kinds of questions yours do!

  105. HAPPY SITS DAY!!!

    your blog is so adorable :o)

    enjoy your day!!

  106. Happy SITS day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I hope you get tons of comments!

  107. Congratulations!!! You're hysterical. Looking forward to reading more!

  108. Love your voice. Congrats on SITS day :-)

  109. Stopping by from SITS. Congrats on being FB. Very cool design...

    Happy Thursday...

  110. Happy SITS day!! I look forward to checking out your blog. :)

  111. Hi Rita, over from SITS. Congratulationso n being the featured blogger today. It's such fun, isn't it?
    First, I totally dig your background. Groovy and all that and blue to boot (my 2nd favorite color of all time).
    Second, sounds like your life is very busy and very interesting. (I can't imagine being the only girl in a household full of men in training and their dad).
    I'm off now to lurk around your world for a few minutes. Hope you have a fantastic day.

  112. Stopping by from SITS, have a great day.

  113. Happy Sits day! I hope this brightens your day:)

  114. Happy SITS day! I loved your term "mental constipation" and plan to use it. Ha! Thanks so much for early morning laughs!
    I'm following you now.
    If you would like to return the follow, you can find me at http://ladyvdzine.com/
    Be blessed,

  115. I was excited to see that you are the featured blogger today. Happy SITS day!

  116. Girl you are a HOOT!! Happy SITS day sista - you deserve. Have a glorious weekend!

  117. Congrats on your SITS day! I totally love your blog!

  118. Happy SITS day! Love your blog design!

  119. Congratulations on your SITS day! Love your posts...they provided me with just the laugh I needed this morning!

  120. Happy SITS day! I'm not sure if I've ever been referred to a laxative before...

  121. Happy SITS day to ya! Love your blog. Good luck with the new puppy. She is just as cute as can be. I think I may have to kill my lab when I get home today!!! The story is in todays post on my blog if you want to here the entire story!

  122. Happy SITS day!!! Glad you had a light at the end of your 3-day sick tunnel!

  123. Happy SITS day! I love your blog; you definitely made me laugh this morning and I will be following you. Have a great day!

  124. your blog is cute! you sound very down to earth and funny. can't wait to check out the rest of your blog.

  125. Congrats on your big day!!

    You never fail to make me laugh.

    Happy SITS Day to you.

  126. I just read the 3 posts you linked to - you are one funny girl! Lol, I can't believe that photo of the little kids with the bananas!
    You have a new follower :)
    Congratulations and happy SITS day!

    Wondering who I am? Read my post: Who Are These People?!

  127. Congrats on getting your day in the spotlight! So glad to be your laxative! Wait...

    Enjoy being the FB today! :D

  128. Congrats on your sits day!! Your puppy is adorable!

  129. Happy SITS Day!!! Hope you have a wonderful day!!!

  130. Love it! have a great SITS Day!! You've got quite a gift for Titles!

  131. I've found that head colds are not the friend of blogging. I can't write worth poo when I'm all congested. You'd think it wouldn't matter!

  132. Congratulations and happy SITS day, I look forward to reading more. ;)

  133. congrats on your sits day, you are hysterical. my trick to fighting frumpiness was to start bellydancing now i have an excuse to run around in crazy costumes.

  134. I already follow you b/c I think you're awesome. But, I just wanted to stop by and wish you a happy SITS day!

  135. Congrats on your SITS day! Well deserved. Your blog is such a great concept. :)

  136. Congratulations on your SITS day!!

  137. Happy SITS day! Your blog was amazingly entertaining to me! Your kids are adorable and I still have no idea how to explain what a "whore" is to a kid. I tutor children and they ask me all sorts of strange things, but I use the "you can ask your mommy" approach...a lot. Lately, though, they're just been asking me if I have kids (I can answer that one! haha)

  138. Ok...I love this blog. Josie is adorable (but I am partial to Chocolate labs) and the cleveage story cracked me up - and I SO understand, except I would give up way-too-much boobage if I could (you can only imagine how massive they were during my 2+ year pregnancy/breastfeed/pregnant again/breastfedding again...) Love your humor! TOOO funny! Congrats on being SITS's FB!

  139. Happy SITS Day. You've already got me laughing.

  140. Love your puppy! You are crazy and so so busy. I bet it is fun though! Happy SITS Day to you!

  141. Happy SitS Day :) I have to say that I LOVE the photo of your baby Coby. What a gorgeous capture! Nice to meet you!

  142. Congrats on your SITS day! Can't wait to look around! :)

  143. Hey Rita - you know I *heart* you! Happy SITS day, girl and I hope you are feeling better!!

  144. You're so cute! I love you. . .and your puppy. :) Three cheers for SITS!

  145. Happy SITs day! I love your humor throughout your blog. I have three boys, too. But I have yet to take on a puppy! You're very brave.

  146. Happy SITS day! LOVE the 'whore' story..sorry - don't have any suggestions! ; )

  147. Happy SITS day! I long ago passed the fighting stage of frumpy. But it will be fun to watch your battle with it!

  148. Congrats on your SITS day!!!

    I am off to look around!

  149. HEY SITS-tah!
    I think this site is quite spruce-y.
    AND you have an adorable icon! Looking forward to more!

  150. Happy SITS Day! You're posts are making me giggle this morning!

  151. So nice to meet you. Congratulations on your SITS day! Glad to help you get going again :-)

  152. Happy SITS Day, Rita! The title of your blog grabbed my attention, for sure--well done! And keep fighting--it's worth it.

    I've had fun reading some of your posts. I, too, am the mother of three boys, but I'm well along the path you're on. . . my oldest is now in college, and my youngest is about to turn 13. And though I'm now in my mid-40's (oh, dear, I can hardly believe that's true), I'm still gamely fighting frumpy--and usually winning, I think. I hope. At least I'm trying!

  153. Yeah for you!! Happy SITS Day!!

    Sadie at heyMamas

  154. I am loving what I have read so far! I too have a 4 year old, 2 year old and well, a 4 month old (who is screaming on my lap for no reason as I type) so I can totally relate! can't wait to read more! Congrats on your SITS day!!

  155. Rita! Congratulations. You are always a Super star blogger. Wether it is your SITS day or not! : )

  156. Happy SITS Day, hope things start looking up for you!!!

  157. Girl, I'm in my mid 30's and fighting of frumpiness is a daily battle. For-evahhh. Congrats on your sits day- following ya on twitter now too.


    You with your three boys and puppy are the oil to my

    Four girls (no pets, what , you think I'm crazy?!??) vinegar.

  158. Happy SITS Day! Love your site!

  159. Happy SITS day! I love your cleavage post...I'm gonna go check out some more...esp. the one about the mustache since I got called on that by my 4 yr old yesterday...grrrr.

  160. Happy SITS day! I love your blog! I am with you on your fight against frump!

  161. Enjoy your big day! Love your stuff - I'll be back.

  162. Happy Sits day~ love your blog-

  163. Happy Sits Day! Hope you get back on your feet soon. I too was on what felt like a deathbed for the last week. Its hard when you have young kids. But humor always help! Love your blog. Take care!


  164. Happy SITS day! I just read through a few of your writings, you are one funny lady!!! lol. and fyi - laser, it totally works!!! :) I'm definetly happy to follow you!

  165. Happy SITS day... Enjoy being a star for the day!

  166. Yay...you've reached your day! Hope they realize they have hit the booty, er I mean the loot when it comes to entertainment!

  167. Congrats on your SITS DAY!!! You are hilarious and I'm loving your blog!

    You've got a new follower!

  168. Happy Sits Day! Take care of yourself! Love your humor! :)

  169. Happy SIts Day!
    Hope things get back to normal for you soon!
    I have raised four daughters so I can relate to the chaos in the home at times. You have a great sense of humor and I am looking forward to following you

  170. Happy SITS day! I'll be perusing your blog in a little bit - right now it's time to pick up my oldest from school. So far, I really like what I see! :-) Have a blessed day!

  171. COngrats on your sits day. I already like it here. I'm going to nose around and get comfy. I'm going to be back here, I can tell...

  172. Love it! We're all a little crazy:)!

  173. Happy SITS day! Your blog layout is gorgeous!

  174. I love you already! Can't wait to read more!

  175. Happy SITS Day! Hilarious blog! I think I'm going to have to follow you. So make sure you come up with more brilliance. No pressure or anything...

  176. You are too funny! Happy SITS Day! :)

  177. Happy SITS Day! Your blog layout is adorable and so cheery!

  178. Ok, I'm sold! You had me cracking up! I particularly love the:

    I'm usually* more on top of things.

    *and by usually I mean like 30% of the time

    That is SO ME! I have the grandest intentions and desires to be on top of things, but alas, it probably really is only 30% of the time.

    I'm looking forward to looking around.



  179. happy sits day, love your blog and your sense of humor, I'm going to follow you!

  180. Just stopping by from SITS! I enjoyed looking through some of your posts! I'll definitely follow you!

  181. Girl, you are totally funny & have brilliant posts too! I am fighting off frumpy as well... Happy SITS DAY!!!


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