Pregnancy, Pitocin, & Pubes, Oh My!

So basically, folks, the topic du jour - and who am I kidding, probably the sole topic of the next two or three blogs - is the biggest thing on my brain right now: BABY. Babybabybabybabybaby. Since I can hardly think of anything else, and since my mom is on her way to my house as we speak and is just as excited as I am, I may be a little scarce for a few days. The magical induction date has been set for bright and early Monday morning, unless my uterus kicks it into gear and decides to do its thang on its own before then. Which would be nice.

But my reproductive system, you know, it's ... special. It seems normal upon examination, except for a tilted uterus, but looks can be deceiving. I mean, it took five whole years and numerous infertility treatments before it could figure out how to even get pregnant in the first place. And then once it finally caught on, it seemed to get the gestation part down pat - but the whole dilation and birth thing? Not so much. I swear, I could dig in there with a spoon and I wouldn't dilate more than a stupid centimeter. Which is why all my boys, including this one, have had to be coaxed out with inductions. (And in some cases, a pork chop.)

So anyway, at 7 o'clock Monday morning, I will be waddling comically walking into the hospital to receive a lovely Pitocin drip in order to get those contractions kickstarted. And not to beat a dead horse here, but if you're interested in frequent updates and pictures and stuff, you can follow me on Twitter. Otherwise I'll post a blog entry ASAP. Because blogging to me is like taking a dump, y'all: something that, under optimal conditions, I need to do on the daily. :)

I'll leave you with this ... lovely photo I took today at the gyno's office. (And I promise you - though I may currently resemble a '70s porn star "down South," that hair did NOT come from my nether regions.)

Happy weekend, everyone!


  1. OK, I did NOT want to see that. Disgusting! Good luck and congrats on getting an induction date. Yea, the end is near!

  2. Ewwwww!!!

    I giggled at the word pubes by the way. For some reason I did a flashback to Wayne's World and Wayne is all, "And Garth has pubes now!" and Garth is all, "You didn't tell them about my pubes, did you?"

    I apologize for the odd note. It's late.

  3. Oh...I just threw up in my mouth

  4. Ha ha ha ha ha. Nice clean gyno's office you got there!! Good luck with the birth honey. Hope it's as painfree as possible!! xx

  5. Oh, yuck!

    On the not-so-yuck-side...Hooray! I'm so excited for you! I'll be thinking of you all day Monday.

    Hang in there! You're on the home stretch now!

  6. thanks for sharing that with all of your readers! LOL!!!! See you this weekend!!!!!

  7. I was eating a breakfast burrito while I was reading this and almost threw up from the photo. Ewww!!!

    Good luck on Monday! Can't wait to see some pics.

  8. The countdown has begun! Good luck!!!!

  9. I can't wait to see picks of the little guy. Congrats and I hope all goes well!!!

  10. good luck hun!! so excited for you and erghhhhh that pube is gross lol! XX

  11. Um yeah that was gross. Good thing you saw it before it got on your hand or something.

    I wish you luck on Monday and I will be looking for your tweets.

  12. Good Luck! I can't wait to see the new arrival :)

  13. Oh, I wouldn't be able to think of anything else either! Wishing you a wonderful baby having!

  14. Although I dont swear... I have to admit, a stray pube might induce a (no pun intended) WTF in my brain. But I might say fudge instead.

    Cause I just might have to change doctors after that. I kid you not. Stray hairs and the be all end all for me... well. Maybe just the END all.

    Hey. Have a baby soon ok? :)

    God bless!

  15. As a mother that carried a child 21 days overdue before he was forcibly evicted at 10 pounds 3 ounces, I feel your pain! good luck!

  16. congrats! you won the FisherPrice TRIO blocks!! email me with your mailing address and they're yours!

    shuey6 at comcast dot net

  17. Good luck tomorrow! I can't wait to hear how it goes for you! Oh, and they had to pry my boys out too. My body doesn't know how to go into labor, I guess.

  18. UGH! That is nastiness in all its glory. BLECH!

    But, at least I was somewhat prepared thanks to the title of the blog. I just didn't think there would be photographic evidence.

  19. HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! You kill me!! That pubey is SICK-O!!! And I *always* claim immunity when mysterious pubies show up because I don't have them either, haha!

  20. eww, That's gross lol! I hope in all the hooking and unhooking no one got it on their hands and walked around treating other patients. ^_^


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