I'm Such a Boob
I'm jealous of you, hardcore breastfeeding advocates. All you proud nursing moms who can feed your little nipple-clamper anywhere, at any time, without skipping a beat. Every mother who sits in a nursery, bathed radiantly in serene sunlight, feeling all gushy and bonding with the baby latched onto your chest. I envy you.
I envy you because, try as I might, I can't be you.
I've tried breastfeeding twice, with each of my kids. And I have to be completely honest here: I've hated it both times. The first time, with Colin, I managed to hold out for a miserable seven months or so. With poor Cameron, I managed a mere two weeks before "hitting the bottle," so to speak. Instead of viewing myself as my babies' source of nourishment, I felt like nothing more than a giant walking boob. Like that's all I was good for: a meal. I felt tethered by the frequency of nursing, especially with Cameron, who seemed to eat 24-7 - because I never got the hang of it well enough to multitask. I always had to drop everything when it was time for my babies to eat. And because I've never been comfortable with whipping out a breast in the presence of anyone but my husband - even under a blanket, though I'm far from prudish and modest - I always retreated to the bedroom or something, effectively isolating myself from anyone who happened to be around. It was lonely.
Not to mention my nipples always felt like they were on fire, and a few times they actually bled. Ouch.
But here I am, about to give birth again in a few short weeks. And I've got the nagging feeling that if I learned to do it right - if I went about it again, more prepared and educated this time - I could learn to like breastfeeding. My determination to try it for a third time, despite my previous dislike of the whole shebang, surprises me. There it is, though: I want to breastfeed my new son. I want to be one of those moms who loves it and promotes it and is comfortable with it. I want to see it as a bonding experience, not resent it as yet another huge child-rearing responsibility left solely up to me.
So I'm asking you, my wonderful friends, for your best breastfeeding tips and advice. This is the perfect opportunity for all you lurkers - you know who you are! - to come out of the woodwork and COMMENT ... because I soooo need your help, you guys!
I want to do this right. I want to feel like this ...

... instead of like this.
I envy you because, try as I might, I can't be you.
I've tried breastfeeding twice, with each of my kids. And I have to be completely honest here: I've hated it both times. The first time, with Colin, I managed to hold out for a miserable seven months or so. With poor Cameron, I managed a mere two weeks before "hitting the bottle," so to speak. Instead of viewing myself as my babies' source of nourishment, I felt like nothing more than a giant walking boob. Like that's all I was good for: a meal. I felt tethered by the frequency of nursing, especially with Cameron, who seemed to eat 24-7 - because I never got the hang of it well enough to multitask. I always had to drop everything when it was time for my babies to eat. And because I've never been comfortable with whipping out a breast in the presence of anyone but my husband - even under a blanket, though I'm far from prudish and modest - I always retreated to the bedroom or something, effectively isolating myself from anyone who happened to be around. It was lonely.
Not to mention my nipples always felt like they were on fire, and a few times they actually bled. Ouch.
But here I am, about to give birth again in a few short weeks. And I've got the nagging feeling that if I learned to do it right - if I went about it again, more prepared and educated this time - I could learn to like breastfeeding. My determination to try it for a third time, despite my previous dislike of the whole shebang, surprises me. There it is, though: I want to breastfeed my new son. I want to be one of those moms who loves it and promotes it and is comfortable with it. I want to see it as a bonding experience, not resent it as yet another huge child-rearing responsibility left solely up to me.
So I'm asking you, my wonderful friends, for your best breastfeeding tips and advice. This is the perfect opportunity for all you lurkers - you know who you are! - to come out of the woodwork and COMMENT ... because I soooo need your help, you guys!
I want to do this right. I want to feel like this ...

... instead of like this.
And PS - if you dish out some advice, you're gonna follow me to see how it turns out ... right? :)
I couldn't help but read your post and throw my 2 cents in...I am one of those momma's who have been down the same road as you, but I think you have had more success than I did! I tried with the 1st child, I was 19 years old & thought I should try even though at that time I felt very uncomfortable by the whole thought of it, but I felt it was my duty and I woudln't be a good Mom, if I didn't try. It was horrible, he would not latch on at all and he was colic. I gave up in 2 days. Which would have probably been very helpfull with the whole colic thing & for the fact he was lactose intolerant to boot! Then comes the 2nd child at 21 yeas old, I decided to not even go there as I was petrified by the first experience and just started him with soy formula in the bottle from day one. The feeling of failure in this area of motherhood was overwhelming and stuck with me. So now the last one I had at 33 years old (who happens to be 10 months old now--wow, where has the time gone)--I thought I am older and more mature... I can handle this (I still couldn't do the whole public thing)! Anyway, I always felt guilty about not trying harder, so I prepared myself the best I could & read everything I could get my hands on (which I don't think did much to help me reach this new goal I had in my head)! I did great in the hospital, but once I got home, I began to have troubles and had to retreat to my room and went thru the whole scenario as you, almost identically! I actually physically was able to breast feed for about 2 weeks, I literally was her human pacifier and she was such a slow, lazy eater so total hours of feeding time in a day seemed to be 20 hours a day--she might as well had been a permanent fixture--LOL)! I eventually had to pump the "liquid gold" almost every 2 hours. I tried so hard to build a good supply up so she had this wonderful source of nutrition (the "liquid gold" agreed with her little body so well and I figured I would probably have issues once I had to start my radiation treatments when she was 4 weeks old-I knew it was coming)! I felt like I had set myself up failure and wished at times I hadn't even tried. I did manage to save about 2 months supply before I dried up, which happened in the 3rd day of treatment. All in all I was glad I attempted again & I feel somewhat succesfull overall. I really do think it boosted her immune system, (knock on wood) but she has been very healthy so far! So the best advice I can give is...definately try again!! Don't put so much pressure on yourself that it has to be perfect "your a mom who loves her children and you are nurturing you baby physically and mentally in so many other ways, not only by breast feeding"!! Think positive, good thoughts when you are feeding...don't think about the time it is taking or anything...just focus and cherish that moment right there with your beautiful baby & forget the rest of the world for that one small moment...as they grow so fast and you never know what the next day will bring!
ReplyDeletePS Sorry, if it was difficult to follow me, I type the way I talk "I forget to take a breath"-LOL! Best of luck, keep me posted! ~Shonelle
Hi! Well I admire your quest to try again! I have had horrendous times with all but one during the first few weeks/months of breastfeeding. But...I'm a lazy cow, excuse the pun and the thought of making up bottles and having to calculate how many I should take out with me was worse than the pain. I'm also a bit possessive of my babies and didn't want anyone else feeding them.
ReplyDeleteWith my second I contacted a breastfeeding counsellor before he was born and she helped me after as well, he was the worse though- my left nipple will never be the same. But, hey, I'm still feeding baby no 5 who has just turned 2!! I hope it works out, look forward to following your story.
Rita- I have felt like both of your pictures at different times! During the first few weeks I absolutely felt more "bovine" than "divine". Now, though, I love looking down at him and smiling and watching his little lips turn up in a smile while he's still eating. I also love that I don't have to clumsily create his food in the middle of the night and I can just unclip instead! I don't know what the other side is like, but I'm happy with breastfeeding. I would have given up without lots of support in the beginning. I had all sorts of contraptions and shields, but now, it's paid off! I feed him when we're together and I pump when we're not so that whoever is watching him can feed him. He has no "nipple confusion." My biggest stress now is to keep up with him! It's a little game I play to try to pump more than he eats while I'm at work-he's a TOUGH competitor! He was 4 months yesterday and we're starting to think about adding some cereal to his milk for the first time, as he seems to be hungrier lately. One of the biggest helpers for me was to meet with a professional lactation consultant. I met with the one at the hospital before bringing Drake home, but she honestly made me feel dopey and lacking. She told me everything I was doing wrong:-( Then, a few weeks after going home, we met with Pat, at Kilgores Pharmacy. She was SO nice! She told me how perfect I was and was really impressed with me! She recommended products when we asked for help or told her our concerns. I also don't know how much formula costs, but I think we're saving money this way. Besides all of that, I've lost 45 pounds pretty easily (NO EFFORT AT ALL) in the last 4 months. So.... I never had any pain or (ouch) bleeding, but I'm a proponent of the boob! I say, if you'd like to give it another shot, get yourself a good "hooter hider" (I like the one I got from Kilgores, that's really cute) and talk to someone who makes you feel so great about what you're trying to do. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteI saw you on SITS on couldn't help but feel the need but to stop by and say hey to another momma! I can tell you are needing support.
ReplyDeleteOn the breastfeeding front, unfortuntly Ireally don't have much to give. I am the mom to four, and mostly bottlefed because nursing IS hard, and did BF a little with 2 but only because they led the way and still mostly bottle fed.
But I still completely understand that desire to want that picturesque dream of nursing, and I hope one of these wonderful mamas can help you:)
Either way though~ congrats on your sweet baby! and good luck:)
Well, I couldn't have put it better myself. I was a milk cow with my daughter, who did not latch well and fed all the time. She lasted 6 weeks. My son was a bit easier, but I only made it for 3 months. I always had to supplement...they were little hungry snufflers. I advocate...do what makes the most sense for you and makes you the most comfortable. I wasn't breast fed, and except for the occasional ticks and twitches, I'm perfectly fine...at least that is what the psychiatrist told me.
ReplyDeleteI just wrote about this on my own blog ... perhaps it will help ... http://mommybrainnw.blogspot.com/2009/08/breastfeeding-flashbacks.html
ReplyDeleteI was able to nurse my first baby girl with much success and hope for the same outcome with the second, another girl. But I must admit that that thought of nursing a baby boy makes me a little squimish - not exactly sure why - just a weird hang-up, I suppose?!
Anyway, I stopped by from roll call this morning and now I am following.
Congratulations and good luck!
ReplyDeleteI only breastfed for the weight loss.
ReplyDeleteHeh. Well, okay there are other reasons (I’m only about 3 months in, and the weight loss stopped weeks ago so that can’t be why I’m continuing…). I come from a family where my mother and all of my sisters formula fed. My mom is a product of the 50s, she finds BFing a bit uncivilized I suppose, so she wasn’t exactly on board with me doing this. My sisters seem to have the same sort of attitude, but don’t judge me. How I came to want to BF, I can’t tell you. I think my main motivators were (1) it’s the best nutrition for my child and (2) yeah I’ll lose the baby weight faster.
I researched my butt off. I took the goofy BFing class at the hospital. I wrote down the numbers of every possible contact for help, and got the information on where the “monthly meeting of the BFing moms” took place (they had snacks, nice incentive). I think the best prep was (1) researching heavily on every single BFing pitfall I could think of, and (2) I told everyone “I’m going to give it my best”. Did the lactation consultants give me a funny look when I said that? Yes. I’m sure they thought it was an excuse for giving up. But I wasn’t going to let anyone make me feel guilty about not BFing my baby. Both things helped to keep the stress levels down when I actually started BFing. Which totally helped me to get into the “groove” of what I was doing, and make a decent amount of milk.
I don’t let other people’s perceptions of breastfeeding get in the way of what I’m trying to do, or do my best to not let them get to me. I remember before I started all the gushing from other BFing moms about “bonding”. Listen, I’m not a sentimental kinda girl, I’m not in it for the bonding. Also, like you, I just cannot BF in public. I can only do it in front of my husband; even then, I can’t bring myself to pump in front of him. Lots of friends and some of the in-laws think I’m really weird but honestly they can eff off. I don’t care. As far as I’m concerned I don’t pee or pewp in front of other people either. I shouldn’t have to feel bad about being modest.
I also try to put a positive spin on the whole BFing thing. When we’re visiting people, in public, or traveling - yes it’s a pain to have to stop everything to feed in private. But I try to look at it as “finally, some alone time with the baby instead of having every relative on earth grabbing at him”. Plus it gets me away from annoying family for awhile ;) Think of it this way - it’s your time alone, away from the other boys and chaos of your house. A nice break. I also told myself that my only computer time would be on the laptop while nursing. And hmmm! Suddenly I really looked forward to those frequent feedings.
And I looooooove the night feedings too - the baby cries, and I crawl out of bed and pop him on my bewb. No mixing and warming bottles while his cries get more and more frantic; we’re both back to bed in record time. Also did I mention the weight loss?? I stuffed my face with fast food and cookies the whole time I was out on maternity leave, and I still made back to my pre-pregnancy weight.
Not to say there weren’t problems - clogged ducts take some work. My baby was a lazy eater too, so for the first 4 weeks I felt like all I did was feed the little bugger. And stress kills my supply; then I’m taking herbal supplements and drinking tea like a maniac and pumping after feedings. But all in all, I think it’s worth it. So good luck to you hon! And if it doesn’t work this time then it doesn’t work. You gave it a shot, that is seriously all that matters.
Um, and P.S. I don’t know why nursing a baby boy would be weird compared to a baby girl. If you continue with that line of thinking then wouldn’t you feel kinda like a lesbian feeding a baby girl? Yeah, not really right? See now??
Bravo for wanting to try again! You have great courage and determination. WooHoo!
ReplyDeleteI only have one little dude, and when he was born, the nurse didn't teach me the right way of nursing. She never told me to switch sides after 10-15 mins on one side. It ended up getting so painful for me. I would cry before and during his feeding time. I was bleeding and just miserable only after a week. I ended up quitting altogether because I was too far injured to try more. He is a very healthy 2 year old now, so my guilt has gone away.
When I get preggo again (cuz I will!) I am going to try again, only this time I am going to switch sides after 15 mins! I think this is wonderful bonding time (something I felt like I lacked with my son when he was an infant). I think it was just me, but whatever, that's how I felt! lol
I hope you get all the advice you need so you can have a successful 3rd round. Good luck!! I can't wait to hear how it goes!!
Have a good one!
I only have one child but when I wanted to BF I was only able to for about 3.5 months then I dried up. I had to work & I HATED the whole breat pump thing. The important thing is that the first couple of times is when that magic stuff is supposed to be there for the kiddo's future health. I don't recall what it's called but if you got any into them, yay! I would say that after that, it's your choice!
ReplyDeleteGood luck with it.
ReplyDeleteI was able to breast feed both of my kids but it wasn't easy. I remember the cracked nipples and the PAIN...but it was worth it because my kids are rarely sick.
First of all, let me say, I am a "hardcore breastfeeding advocate", but not because I think I'm a superior mother or better than my bottlefeeding counterparts. I am such an adamant supporter because I know it's NOT easy (even though it is natural), and that our culture is not always set up to promote and support breastfeeding. I don't judge other mothers for doing what they have to do to keep their babies healthy and maintain what little sanity they have remaining intact! :) With that said, I want to do what I can to support moms who want to BF.
ReplyDeleteSince you're asking for advice, I'm happy to give it! I would say to prepare ahead of time as much as possible. I highly recommend looking up your local La Leche League chapter; you may not be in line with all their philosophies, but I've found that they're the best source of information and experience. They have a book called The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, which is really good (because you have so much time to read these days, right?). A couple handy websites are www.kellymom.com and www.lowmilksupply.org.
Secondly, please know that if it hurts, it's not right. I had bleeding, blistered nipples, and the nurses at the hospital told me I needed to let my nipples "toughen up" (they also called my baby "lazy", which I didn't appreciate). Thankfully, a veteran nurse set us straight on our last morning at the hospital and it turned out Ellis was latching incorrectly. When the baby is not latching correctly, it not only hurts you, but they're not "emptying" the breast effectively, which leads to all sorts of issues (plugged ducts, low milk supply, more frequent feedings, to name a few).
Also, I think our expectations have to change a little. As a culture, we are not very educated on BF and the behavior of BF babies. For example, rather than having scheduled feedings, it works best to nurse on demand to establish a good supply of milk. In my experience, being the "human pacifier" is the investment we put in to get our supply up and avoid painful engorgement. I nursed Ellis every waking hour for WEEKS, but eventually he backed off; he was/is a major comfort nurser too. I don't know why, as a culture, we accept that a baby wants to suck on a pacifier 24/7 but yet we think it's odd when they want to nurse frequently. Babies instinctually want to suck! Sucking=survival for them! It's a short season in your baby's life, and boy does it pay off (not only for baby, but for mom too. I second Amanda's sentiment - I've lost all my baby weight and another 11 pounds in 6 months, for a total of nearly 40lbs. WITHOUT EVEN TRYING)! When I was in the trenches, I found this story :http://www.naturalchild.org/guest/elizabeth_baldwin.html. I read it, cried, then promptly emailed it to my mom, who had been criticizing me for overfeeding my son. On the other hand, I know babies who have a very predictable, reasonable nursing schedule. Mine was not one of those:).
(to be continued...)
ReplyDeleteI don't have any experience BF while caring for other children, which I would guess is a major challenge when considering your situation. When I'm nursing on demand, I often think, "How am I going to do this when I have another?" I know that it has to be possible, because women have done it for years and continue to do it to this day. How easy it is...I don't know. For me, "wearing" Ellis in a carrier was a lifesaver, and I have heard from parents BF a subsequent child that it's immensely helpful. I like both the Maya Wrap and the Moby carriers. Hot Slings are okay, but they're not adjustable. I tend to think that the babies need this kind of closeness anyway, and "wearing" them allows you to be the "human pacifier" without having to be cloistered away, like you were talking about. If you're a believer in the "4th trimester", "babywearing" also jives with that theory.
One thing that I have had to eat my words about is co-sleeping. I had ZERO intention of having my baby in bed with us, but it makes soooo much sense when you're nursing on demand. I was very apologetic about it at first, but read up on it and realized that it's much safer and much more common than we know. The perks, as far as I can see it: E has slept through the night since he was 3 days old (and so have my husband and I), I don't have to wake up to nurse (he sleeps at the tap), I don't worry about him smothering in his crib in the next room, and it allows the whole family to reconnect at night. My husband, who has struggled with a really crazy work schedule since E's birth, said recently that he loves having him in bed with us and can't imagine it any other way. A book on co-sleeping that I loved is Good Nights: The Happy Parents' Guide to the Family Bed (and a Peaceful Night's Sleep!) by Maria Goodavage & Dr. Jay Gordon. It sounds like you might already have a "family bed", so this may be something you're already doing.
And, if I may reframe something: meeting your baby's needs IS mothering. If he needs to nurse constantly, then nursing is good mothering. Besides, BF is goes beyond meeting your baby's physical needs; it meets his emotional needs too.
Holy crap, that's a lot of advice, but I hope it's helpful! Good luck with your third little nursling!
Well, I am one of those mom's who love breastfeeding and love to help others do the same! I have jumped through some hurdles and had struggles in the beginning with them all, but in a short time it was all perfect. I am currently nursing baby #3 and honestly, there isn't one piece of advice I can give you. Each baby is different, therefore each nursing experiece is going to be different. You'll get to know your baby and things will fall into place. My 2nd baby was an awesome nurser....anywhere, anytime, and she nursed quick! Addy, my little one now, likes to smile, talk, and take her sweet time which makes it hard sometimes with the multitasking. It made me crazy at first, but I decided that nursing her was the most important thing I should be doing so everything else could wait. Did I feel guilty for making Logan and Kylie wait for what they wanted at the time I sat down to nurse.....at first-yes, but then I realized that I nursed them and gave them all my time so I was going to do the same for Addyson. They are very understanding and there are no issues now. Good luck with the delivery of your new little one and good for you for wanting to give nursing another shot!! I am in the process of getting my lactation certification now. I have been a pediatric nurse for 5yrs and work some in the NICU. One of my favorite parts of my job is helping the new moms breastfeed. If there is ANYTHING that I can help with please let me know! I have seen just about everything! Good luck and keep me updated!!
ReplyDeleteWow, people are sure passionate about breast feeding. You got some long comments, how awesome.
ReplyDeleteI am sorry but I have no advice for you. I only tried to breast feed my oldest. It failed miserably, issues with latching on and milk supply. I only lasted 5 weeks. It was just a mess.
I did not even try to breast feed my triplets because come one, 4 kids under the age of 2, you have got to be kidding me.
But if I was to ever get pregnant again (not) I wouldn't mind actually putting in the time and effort to learn how to breast feed correctly. I would love to be able to calmly and confidently put my child to my breast and feed him/her.
Good luck to you.
One word: Lansinoh.
ReplyDeleteIn the purple tube. Use it religiously. Start using it even NOW before he comes.
someone already mentioned this but I want to add my agreement: KELLYMOM
ReplyDeleteinvaluable website, that one
Also, they say if you can get through the first 6 weeks it gets better. I didn't always like BF at first, but I love it now.
Well, I nursed "back in the day" and I was one of those that it just came easy to. Morgan, it seems has been lucky that way too. My idea was always to try it, work at it and if it didn't work out, that was okay too. That is still how I feel, so I guess I don't have the best of advice!
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, I obviously have no experience with breastfeeding. But, KUDOS TO YOU for trying again. And hey, the third time's a charm, right? ;)
I didn't read all the comments you've received, but I glanced at the beginning of each and am amazed at all of the difficulty moms have had. I'm sure you're getting great advice, but if nothing else, it must at least help to know that you aren't alone!
I'm sure you already know about La Leche League, but I thought I'd pass it on just in case. I've heard good things about it.
Maybe the midwife at your doctor's office will be helpful, too...
Good luck and keep us updated!
Hi Rita - BF always sucks for the first month or two. I nursed my son for 18 months and I just passed the 6 month mark with my daughter.
ReplyDeleteFor the first couple of months I felt like a total cow and that I was ALWAYS stuck in a chair somewhere with my son. My butt hurt, my boobs hurt and I cried. A lot. But after the first few months it just seemed easier. It was easier to stick a boob in his mouth when we were out than to make up a bottle.
Plus, I've found the longer I BF the easier it is to BF in public. I spent a lot of time nursing in the car or in another room when I first started. But then I stopped looking at the other people that were around and worrying if they were looking at me and started looking at my baby. The milky smiles and eye contact made it so much easier.
And don't be afraid to supplement at first. You don't want to supplement with formula a ton since it will affect your milk supply, but a bottle or two in the hospital and the first few weeks at home didn't hurt either of my kids at all and I got a break and/or knew their bellies were full. When they are trying to learn to latch (and a good latch won't hurt) they can't do it if they are starving and screaming.
I guess my best advice is to relax and feed the new little guy as often as he wants. I give my son a book to read or some other activity to do while I nurse my daughter and it's working out fine. I also believe that support from your spouse is a key factor in successful breastfeeding. If they aren't on board it's like sailing the ship on your own and you are bound to sink.
And remember, if it doesn't work out, formula is not rat poision. I love your blog!
Hello. I'm not a mom yet, but I just wanted to offer my support! I hope to breastfeed someday but am afraid of the troubles. I understand the desire, though, even without yet being a mother.
ReplyDeleteMy mother (with whom I don't get along) didn't breastfeed either me or my sister and sees it as "disgusting," which disgusts me. The opinion somehow passed on to my sister, which disappoints me.
I wish you the best of luck!
So, I should have stopped by earlier. Sorry. I read the post the day that you wrote it. (If you wrote it the same day you posted it.) I just didn't know what to say. I had SOOO much trouble with Lorelli. She wouldn't latch on. She was a slow eater. She thought I was her own personal buffet (BTW she loooves golden corral). I had to work. I had to pump. I got sore sore booby areas. She bit me once or twice. But, every time something bad or painful happened, I would read something or call the doctor or call the lactation consultants or just cry for a minute, then I would get back on track and decide I wanted to do this. After about two months we got pretty good at it. I even learned how to feed her during the night - on my side - without having to wake up too much. How awesome WAS THAT!!!! She actually nursed all the way through her first year and into her second year. As she began eating real food and stuff she would only nurse at night. But then we stopped nursing. She and I both. I guess it was time. She got to where she didn't want it and I didn't want to do it anymore. I miss it now. Being able to watch her eat. And having her that close. And breathing her in.
ReplyDeleteGood job for wanting to try again with your third!!
ReplyDeleteI am one of those rare people that LOVE nursing and it was SUPER easy, once we got started.
My daughter had the be in the NICU for a week, and she only had sugar water through an IV for 5 days before she was finally allowed food. My milk had already come in, and I was pumping every 3 hours to stock up the fridge so she could get food through her feeding tube until her oxygen came off. Pumping was the pits. I hated it. I bled, I was sore, and I would just cry through the entire thing.
When they started having me nurse, I didn't know what a 'let down' was. I felt it, but I didn't know that is what I was feeling. The lactation consultant was no help, and me and my daughter were so frustrated after having her 'help' the first time I figured we would never nurse right. The next day was awful again, and that night, a really amazing nurse made everything so much easier.
She would call me to the NICU when my daughter would start rooting, and then she would help me get her on the boob and then leave us in peace.
My milk literally ran out of me so she didn't really have to suck. I fed 3 babies in the NICU with my milk I had soooo much. She would nurse in under 5 minutes completely and it was absolutely amazing.
Nursing was the easiest thing for us. I can't wait to do it again.
But, some advice for you.
1 - If your nipples are sore, the latch isn't right. It isn't supposed to hurt and you aren't supposed to bleed. If it happens, I know that reading the La Leche League book helped my SIL a lot. Also, LLL meetings are amazing places to get help.
2 - The first few weeks aren't fun. You are engorged and you have a new baby that seems to eat ALL THE TIME. Take it in stride. You need to have alone time without the kids and nursing if it seems overwhelming. And ask for help! I would get a postpartum doula, they're trained in breastfeeding support, and they are a great help for the first weeks and months you get home with your baby. (So that was a shameless plug since I am one, but they truly do rock).
3 - If you start to supplement, you won't have a great milk supply, and you will slowly turn to the bottle. Just let them eat off of you. I know that makes you seem more like a cow, but it's the best way to learn. It's the best thing for your baby, and it's free ;)
4 - Learn to nurse lying down on your side! You will be able to attach your baby and then go back to sleep at night. This was INVALUABLE to me. I loved it. You weren't tired from sitting up with your baby all night because they could eat while you sleep.
5 - Know that it does get better! You might not absolutely love it, but watching them smile and eat or look at you while eating is just priceless. It is one of the greatest feelings.
Good luck with it, and I'm sure you can do it!!
Hi! I hope you get this comment, although I'm a bit late with it.
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean about feeling like a total cow. I work full-time, too, so that means hooking myself up to the pump and so far NO EMPLOYER has given me what I consider "adequate" space to do this so inevitabley someone walks in on me in all my pumping glory. HUMILIATING! And that's WITH a sign on the door, too! Can people read or what???
Anyway, I suggest you approach nursing with a purely selfish attitude. I was able to lose all the baby weight PLUS another 25 lbs when nursing baby #3. It was awesome! I didn't have to worry about every single bite I put in my mouth and the weight just seemed to melt off. Getting on that scale every day and seeing the number going down, down, down REALLY helped me stick with breastfeeding for 10 months. I'm due with #4 in a few weeks and hope to keep it up for a full year this time just so I can get myself into a size 4, a size I haven't been in since high school.
So good luck to you!